Check the progress of science and technology research tasks

2022.09.30 - 1738 viewed

September 22, 2022. The inspection team of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development inspected the progress of scientific and technological research tasks: “Project for perfecting technology for seed production and commercial farming of sardines (Protonebia) diacanthus Lacepède 1802) in ponds and cages” and the Project on Perfecting the Technological Process of Breeding and Cultivation of clams (Periglypta peurera Linneaus, 1771) led by the College of Economics, Technology and Fisheries. Currently Cam Pha city and Van Don district, Quang Ninh province.

Participating in the inspection team of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, including: Dr. Nguyen Huu Ninh - Deputy Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment is the head of the delegation and leaders, specialists of specialized departments. On the side of the College of Economics, Technology and Fisheries, there were Assoc. Ths. Nguyen Van Tuan, the project leader of the project to perfect the technological process of seed production and grow the square clam (Periglypta peurera Linneaus, 1771) and Dr. Truong Van Thuong is the head of the "Project on improving the technology of seed production and commercial culture of giant catfish (Protonebia diacanthus Lacepède 1802) in ponds and cages"

Figure 1: Field inspection team at Cam Pha Marine Research Station

At the meeting, 02 Project Managers gave a brief report on the implementation progress and outstanding results of the project in the past time; At the same time, it is expected that science and technology research plans will continue to be implemented in the near future. Through the reports of the project managers and the actual inspection, it was found that the lead agency and the project manager had completed the contents according to the approved schedule and cost estimates.

According to Ths. Nguyen Van Tuan, the project "Improving the technological process of seed production and commercial culture of square clam (Periglypta peurera Linneaus, 1771)" has completed the work: Researching and perfecting the seed production technology of square clam. Level 1, Research and perfect the technological process of rearing square clam from level 1 to level 2 and complete the draft technological process for producing square clam seed. Research work to complete the technological process of growing square clam clams will be conducted in the near future.


Figure 2: Grade II square clams (10-12mm)

For the “Project on perfecting technology for seed production and commercial culture of Su Dat (Protonebia diacanthus Lacepède 1802) in ponds and cages”. According to Dr. Truong Van Thuong, The project has completed the contents of research to perfect the technological process of production and commercial farming of Dat fish. Currently, the project is implementing experimental farming models for commercial farming. In the farming models, the fish has a good growth rate, the size of commercial fish reaches 1.3-1.6 kg/fish, the survival rate is estimated at 87%. In the coming time, the project will focus on perfecting, testing and accepting new technological processes for seed production and commercial farming.



Figure 3: The team inspects the model of caged catfish farming in Van Don, Quang Ninh province

Concluding at the inspection, Mr. Nguyen Huu Ninh asked the lead agency and project manager to absorb the members' comments and continue to implement the research contents according to the stated progress. approved.

Huyen Trang, Department of Science and International Cooperation