Effect of temperature on making male monosex wattle necked softshell turtle (palea steindachneri)

2023.03.28 - 1755 viewed

The study was carried out to find out the temperature threshold for brooding three spiked eggs to switch to the male sex with a high rate. Eggs were selected from the first spawning litters of the year (April - May) and put into incubation, experiments were arranged in 02 treatments with temperature thresholds of 25 - 270C and 29 - 310C, humidity ranged from 65 - 69%, each treatment was repeated 3 times. At the temperature threshold of 25 - 270C after 75 - 78 days the eggs hatch, after 60 - 63 days for the temperature threshold of 29 - 310C. After growing up to 300 - 500g, sex testing found that in NT1 there was a lower rate of sex change (average 38,11%) than in NT2 (85,38%)

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