Research to identify the DNA barcode segment of the GEN 28S region for the geoduck lutraria rhynchaena jonas, 1844

2023.11.20 - 1527 viewed

DNA barcodes today use many standard DNA sequence regions to construct to identify, classify and discover species. DNA barcoding refers to DNA sequences, serving the identification and retrieval of species origin information. With the aim of building the best symbology that can represent DNA barcode sequences, in this study, we analyzed the DNA sequence of the 28S gene region with a length of 1350 nucleotides of 10 species of the Mactridae family as a basis to build a barcode for the geoduck Lutraria rhynchaena. The nucleotide sequences of the 28S gene region of the species were compared for similarity using Blast software. Comparing the nucleotide sequence of the 28S gene region shows that the otter clam Lutraria rhynchaena is different from other published species in the Mactridae family. The 28S gene sequence can be used to identify and distinguish Lutraria rhynchaena species.

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